Disco, alcohol, and poppers contributed to a lot of sexual episodes

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And, at the risk of seeming heartless, the aids epidemic was further proof that many men will not control themselves sexually no matter what.

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Yes, woman who are thinking of "transing" should have all the information that is available on the efficacy of surgical/hormonal intervention. But with researchers admitting to hiding the results of the research they have done because it does not support the "affirming" dogma, it is unlikely that women are being fully informed, currently. This is a part of the struggle that has the most potential to derail this trans-the-gay-away train and it should be a priority that "gender-affirming" doctors and clinics be explicitly informed so they cannot claim they do not or did not know.

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I agree, when ideology trumps facts and science it’s a problem. Women should be bluntly told that these drugs are a poison. That they will likely shorten your life and give you numerous health issues. But if they were honest maybe not many would buy what they are selling.

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If they are not apprising their patients of the facts about long-term use of T then they are not fully informing these women and they can be sued and sanctioned. There is going to be a lot of regret as the years go by and the damage is revealed, and if the doctors and clinics are now made aware of the latest research findings they will have no defense later.

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Well from what I've seen there really isnt a lot to go on with a lawsuit in the US. Our laws are geared towards protecting the doctors.

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Right now the courts have been listening to pretty much one side, the side that insists "affirming care" is the accepted protocol. This why one state is suing at least one medical association that has given its approval of medical transitioning. The challenge will be to get the courts to listen to contrary voices based on solid research recently carried out. The recruitment of de-transers to serve as plaintiffs is crucial to these efforts.

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I enjoyed the honest and revealing conversation between you and Iseult tremendously! It would be wonderful to continue the discussion in open, round-table discussions on lesbian sexuality - fun, healthy, and important topics! 🙌🏻❤️

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Thanks !

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