Thanks for this conversation. At 54, I guess I'm an elder of the movement now! I'm a woman married to a woman (I don't like to say "gay" or "lesbian" anymore because I won't be lumped in with the TQ+ and all the other nonsense that comes after LGB these days). My wife and our two children are all onboard the gender train, and I'm left standing at the station of "only women can be pregnant" and "only men can have penises". My daughter (12) is a lesbian and my son (10) has claimed an NB identity for a couple of years now. They are swimming in the gender soup. When I told my wife that men (transwomen) are being allowed in women's spaces and why I think that's a terrible idea, she was horrified at my wrongthink. And she continues to be horrified at all my transphobic opinions.

On another note, the word "queer" is much more than just a slur that has been recaptured by gay people. Queer is a very specific term that intends to subvert anything "normal". Once something goes mainstream, ie becomes "normal", proponents of queerdom come along and subvert it. Homosexuality, in my lifetime, has gone from being something shameful to something to be celebrated. And now that gay is acceptable and normal to a majority of the progressive country I live in, it's not enough. Now the queer world wants to trans the gay away and make all the butch lesbians and even tomboys into men and all the effeminate boys (who often grow up into gay men) into girls. Which is, of course, impossible to do. But they will mutilate and sterilize and ruin many children in the pursuit to "change sex" so they can be comfortable in the wrong body they were born in. Ultimately, it's the slow but inevitable march towards normalizing the most horrifying thing imaginable: pxdxphilia. What happens when that becomes "normal"? what's next? One can only imagine the horrors that will follow that nightmare.

I'll have to check out a Women's Land, sounds delightful!

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Thanks for sharing. Your situation sounds very difficult. I’m sorry you are stuck at the station of sanity while everyone in your family rides the crazy train. But glad you’re here with us ;).

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